Recent ImpressionsERICKSON: Orchestral, Chamber and Vocal Music
Dynamic Motion and encores:What's This?COWELL: Homage to Iran / Piano Pieces / Set of Five / Six Casual Developments / Two Songs
2 Songs:SunsetCOWELL: Homage to Iran / Piano Pieces / Set of Five / Six Casual Developments / Two Songs
Piece No. 2 for Small OrchestraNANCARROW: Pieces for Small Orchestra / Tango? / String Quartet No. 1
Heal (2NUTZ Reblap)We Are the Future, Volume II
NeurosisPre-Sense: A Convergence of Southern Harmonic Waves
Sonatina For Piano, Allegro MoltoConlon Nancarrow: Orchestral, Chamber And Piano Music
Piano Sonata No. 1:Piano Sonata (Lento, Tempo II - Adagio - Allegro risoluto)KIRCHNER: Duo for Violin and Piano / Piano Trio / Piano Sonata / Triptych
Piece No. 1 For Small OrchestraConlon Nancarrow: Orchestral, Chamber And Piano Music
Toccata for Violin And Player PianoConlon Nancarrow: Orchestral, Chamber And Piano Music
Prelude And BluesConlon Nancarrow: Orchestral, Chamber And Piano Music
Tango?Conlon Nancarrow: Orchestral, Chamber And Piano Music
Sonatina For Piano, PrestoConlon Nancarrow: Orchestral, Chamber And Piano Music
Sonatina For Piano, ModeratoConlon Nancarrow: Orchestral, Chamber And Piano Music
TrioConlon Nancarrow: Orchestral, Chamber And Piano Music
Piece No. 2 For Small OrchestraConlon Nancarrow: Orchestral, Chamber And Piano Music
String Quartet No. 1, Allegro MoltoConlon Nancarrow: Orchestral, Chamber And Piano Music
String Quartet No. 1, Andante moderatoConlon Nancarrow: Orchestral, Chamber And Piano Music
String Quartet No. 1, PrestissimoConlon Nancarrow: Orchestral, Chamber And Piano Music
Study No. 15Conlon Nancarrow: Orchestral, Chamber And Piano Music
3 Songs:Rat RiddlesSEEGER: Vocal, Chamber and Instrumental Works
DescargaSIERRA: New Music with a Caribbean Accent
Kandinsky:I. Lyrisches (Lyrical)SIERRA, R.: Kandinsky / Clarinet Sonata / 33 Ways to look at the same object (Continuum)
Kandinsky:II. Improvisation 19SIERRA, R.: Kandinsky / Clarinet Sonata / 33 Ways to look at the same object (Continuum)