Imi Da FioriImi Da Fiori
WhyThe Best Of Hotel Chill (26 Of The Best Tracks For A Smoldering Summer's Day)
Dont Know WhyParis Lounge
WhyBest of Hotel Chill
Ursărie maximăGypsy Rock: Change or Die
Ploaie de varaPloaie de vara
Ce-a fost, a fostCe-a fost, a fost
X RatedRaze Me to the Ground
AddictableRaze Me to the Ground
Ne vedem noiNe vedem noi
Road TripRoad Trip
Pescatore...a Pierangelo Bertoli
Don't Know WhyHotel Beverly Hills (luxurious Music From Around The World)
After PartyAfter Party
L'amour a ParisParadiso Inferno, Vol. 2
WhyHotel Beverly Hills (luxurious Music From Around The World)
Nu E UsorFluturi
Zbor (Wyd RMX)Fluturi
Ai Vrea Tu!Fluturi
Langa Inima TaFluturi
Kiss My WayFluturi