You Are Alone (Remix by Jacques Terrier)Where the Butterflies Go to Die
Buried Alive (Remix by Chemical Sweet Kid)Where the Butterflies Go to Die
Palabras Vacias (Live in Orizaba - Mexico 2012)Where the Butterflies Go to Die
Breathing Violence (Not Breathing by Inscissors vs Hydra Division V)Where the Butterflies Go to Die
Hay Un Loco Dentro De Mi Que Aun Se RetuerceWhere the Butterflies Go to Die
Soledad (Live in Xalapa - Mexico 2012)Where the Butterflies Go to Die
Yo, SociopataWhere the Remixes Go to Die
So TiredWhere the Remixes Go to Die
El Vacio Llena Tu VidaWhere the Remixes Go to Die
Voces (Fallen Garden Mix by Graveyard Child Escape)Broken Remixes
SoledadVoces Del Laberinto
Cuando Pierdes Lo Que Mas QuieresUnd Sie Aßen Sich Selbst