Ann Hood的歌曲列表
26. With joy abidingPineapple Poll
19. We may remark tho' nothing can dismay usPineapple Poll
The woman of the wisest witPineapple Poll
13. A lady fair of lineage highPineapple Poll
7. Towards the empyrean heightsPineapple Poll
"Comes the pretty young bride":"'Tis said to you" - "Hold pretty one!"Gilbert & Sullivan: The Yeomen of the Guard & Trial By Jury
The Sorcerer / Act 2:26. Or he or I must dieThe Zoo
The Sorcerer / Act 2:18. Dear friends take pity on my lotThe Zoo
The Sorcerer / Act 1:16. Now to the banquet we pressThe Zoo
"When a wooer goes a:wooing"Gilbert & Sullivan: The Yeomen of the Guard & Trial By Jury
The Sorcerer / Act 1:3. When he is here I sigh with pleasureThe Zoo
The Sorcerer / Act 1:2. Constance my daughterThe Zoo
"A man who would woo a fair maid"Gilbert & Sullivan: The Yeomen of the Guard & Trial By Jury
"Hark! What was that sir?":"Who fired that shot?" "Like a ghost his vigil keeping..." - "The river must be dragged"Gilbert & Sullivan: The Yeomen of the Guard & Trial By Jury
"Oh Sergeant Meryll" - "Ye Tower Warders" - "Leonard Meryll!" - "Forbear my friends" - "Didst thou not" - "Leonard!" - "As escort for the prisoner"Gilbert & Sullivan: The Yeomen of the Guard & Trial By Jury
"Were I thy bride"Gilbert & Sullivan: The Yeomen of the Guard & Trial By Jury
"Alas! I waver to and fro"Gilbert & Sullivan: The Yeomen of the Guard & Trial By Jury
"When maiden loves"Gilbert & Sullivan: The Yeomen of the Guard & Trial By Jury
The Sorcerer / Act 2: 26. Or he or I must dieGilbert & Sullivan: The Sorcerer / The Zoo