IncommunicadoCodes of Consequences
Relic of the PastCongress of the Insane
Victim of HonorCodes of Consequences
Victim Of Honour.Terrorizer Fear Candy 92
Unchallenged DominanceCongress of the Insane
The LegionCongress of the Insane
Celebratory GunfireCongress of the Insane
Carousel of DeathCongress of the Insane
Modern Day FreakCongress of the Insane
Deterioration from PerfectionCongress of the Insane
Endless StriveCongress of the Insane
Manifest of a MegalomaniacCongress of the Insane
Decline and FallCongress of the Insane
Carnival of DeceptionCongress of the Insane
My Secret SocietyCodes of Consequences
Center of MomentumCodes of Consequences
DeathstripCodes of Consequences
Final FarewellCodes of Consequences
Fade Into ObscurityCodes of Consequences
Psychopathic MindCodes of Consequences
Population ZeroCodes of Consequences
Code of ConcequencesCodes of Consequences