Fabrizio Paterlini的歌曲列表
Week #11Autumn Stories
Week #13Autumn Stories
Before the StormSecret Book
Soffia la notteViaggi in aeromobile
All My Joy, All My PainWinter Stories
SnowWinter Stories
Unrequited #4Now
Week #10Autumn Stories
Week #3Autumn Stories
Narrow Is the WaySecret Book
Historiette No. 2Historiette No. 2
Pensiero notturnoFragments Found
Week #2Autumn Stories
ColoriViaggi in aeromobile
Profondo bluViandanze
Week #5Autumn Stories
Somehow FamiliarThe Art of the Piano
Midsummer Tiny SongThe Art of the Piano
DawnWinter Stories
Conversation With MyselfThe Art of the Piano
BrokenThe Art of the Piano
Frozen River, Pt. 2Fragments Found