Fabrizio Paterlini的歌曲列表
Frozen River, Pt. 2Fragments Found
Empty RoomThe Art of the Piano
Darkness is not the opposite of lightNow
Far Away from HereViaggi in aeromobile
Silent eyesNow
Déjà vuFragments Found
Week #6Autumn Stories
Historiette #5Historiette #5
Still TravellingFragments Found
Racconto di LunaMorning Sketches
La polvere e l'incantoViandanze
Week #14 (piano solo)Autumn Stories
Week #9Autumn Stories
Five thirty amFragments Found
Untitled (Lost Letters) [Piano Solo]Morning Sketches
Wind SongThe Art of the Piano
Nuovi orizzontiViandanze
If Melancholy Were MusicThe Art of the Piano
Il gigante e la balenaFragments Found
Girasoli e lavandaFragments Found
My Piano, The CloudsThe Art of the Piano