Fabrizio Paterlini的歌曲列表
Continua metamorfosiViandanze
Rue des trois frèresFragments Found
My Piano, The CloudsThe Art of the Piano
Girasoli e lavandaFragments Found
Il gigante e la balenaFragments Found
If Melancholy Were MusicThe Art of the Piano
Nuovi orizzontiViandanze
Wind SongThe Art of the Piano
Untitled (Lost Letters) [Piano Solo]Morning Sketches
Five thirty amFragments Found
Week #9Autumn Stories
Week #14 (piano solo)Autumn Stories
La polvere e l'incantoViandanze
Racconto di LunaMorning Sketches
Still TravellingFragments Found
Historiette #5Historiette #5
Week #6Autumn Stories
Déjà vuFragments Found
Silent eyesNow
Far Away from HereViaggi in aeromobile
Darkness is not the opposite of lightNow