The Band Of Her Majesty's Royal Marines的歌曲列表
Fantasia on British Sea SongsSong of the Sea - Classic British Shanties and Pirate Songs
Soldiers Of The SeaShanty Man and the Mermaid: Songs of the Sea
The Padstow LifeboatShanty Man and the Mermaid: Songs of the Sea
Raleighing CryShanty Man and the Mermaid: Songs of the Sea
LeviathanShanty Man and the Mermaid: Songs of the Sea
HM JolliesShanty Man and the Mermaid: Songs of the Sea
The Mansfield MatelotShanty Man and the Mermaid: Songs of the Sea
The Nelson TouchShanty Man and the Mermaid: Songs of the Sea
TrafalgarShanty Man and the Mermaid: Songs of the Sea
On The QuarterdeckShanty Man and the Mermaid: Songs of the Sea
The MiddyShanty Man and the Mermaid: Songs of the Sea
Navy BlueShanty Man and the Mermaid: Songs of the Sea
WarshipShanty Man and the Mermaid: Songs of the Sea
Up PeriscopeShanty Man and the Mermaid: Songs of the Sea
In the Eye of the StormShanty Man and the Mermaid: Songs of the Sea
The Plymouth SoundShanty Man and the Mermaid: Songs of the Sea
The Dunkirk VeteransShanty Man and the Mermaid: Songs of the Sea
The LifeboatmenShanty Man and the Mermaid: Songs of the Sea
SunsetMountbatten Festival of Music 2009
SunsetMountbatten Festival of Music 2000
Drum & Bugle DisplayThe Best of the Royal Marines
Pie in the Face PolkaEntertainment On Stage
HMS Hood (G Keachie)Mountbatten Festival of Music 2020
Orpheus in the UnderworldMarches and Overtures