Brand X Music的歌曲列表
Day Of ReckoningBrand X Music Vol. 10
Dawn of DiscoveryThe Best of Brand X Music
Journey HomeBrand X Music Vol. 10
Last ChanceBrand X Music Vol. 9
Beyond LimitsIlluminate
Never SurrenderThe Best of Brand X Music
Zero HourIlluminate
Knuckle UpThe Best of Brand X Music
Buccaneer IslandBuccaneer Island
Wake the DawnIlluminate
EquinoxBrand X Music Catalogue -Volume 12
Saints and SinnersThe Best of Brand X Music
FearlessBrand X Music Vol. 9
SpawnThe Best of Brand X Music
SynchronicityBrand X Music Catalogue -Volume 12
EpiphanyBrand X Music Vol. 10
Slip KnotBrand X Music Vol. 9
Going for the OnePortal
Dogs of WarBrand X Music Catalogue -Volume 12
IllusionsBrand X Music Catalogue -Volume 12
Into the AbyssIlluminate
ExtinctionBrand X Music Vol. 11
Follow Your DreamsBrand X Music Vol. 9