太湖に沈む夕陽(蘇州)Memories of China
再会(深圳)Memories of China
海の女神(珠海)Memories of China
にぎやかな坂道(貴陽)Memories of China
美しき街(上海)Memories of China
笑顔に包まれて(中山)Memories of China
霧の黄河(鄭州)Memories of China
ひまわりの祈り(杭州)Memories of China
旅の終わり(北京)Memories of China
奈良唐风(The Prosperous Nara)须弥·遣唐录(Sumeru - Impressions of the Glorious Tang Dynasty)
濑户内海之船(The Bustling Port of Seto Inland Sea)须弥·遣唐录(Sumeru - Impressions of the Glorious Tang Dynasty)
坊间戏(The Flourishing Chang’an Streets)须弥·遣唐录(Sumeru - Impressions of the Glorious Tang Dynasty)
鉴真东渡(Jianzhen’s Significant Cultural Voyage)须弥·遣唐录(Sumeru - Impressions of the Glorious Tang Dynasty)
大化改新(Taika Reform)须弥·遣唐录(Sumeru - Impressions of the Glorious Tang Dynasty)
江南夜泊(A Sentimental Night in Jiangnan)须弥·遣唐录(Sumeru - Impressions of the Glorious Tang Dynasty)
明州望月(Moon Gazing from Mingzhou)须弥·遣唐录(Sumeru - Impressions of the Glorious Tang Dynasty)
千灯照碧云(The Brilliant Lantern Festival)须弥·遣唐录(Sumeru - Impressions of the Glorious Tang Dynasty)
空海求法(The Legendary Kukai)须弥·遣唐录(Sumeru - Impressions of the Glorious Tang Dynasty)
长安绮梦绘卷(The Glory of Chang’an)须弥·遣唐录(Sumeru - Impressions of the Glorious Tang Dynasty)
Time To Say Goodbye(告别时刻)二胡盛宴——《风居住的街道》二胡乐团演奏版