Todd Malone的歌曲列表
Maple leafBeat Tape:Maple leaf
After lunch...Beat Tape:After lunch...
FREE BEAT 去河邊散步嗎Free Beat:Gift of life
Andrômeda-sampling(Todd Malone remix)Free Beat:Poured
Everybody Love5.20:Everybody Love
Silent angerFree Beat:Poured
BlessBeat Tape:I hope it will all come true.
KEEPFree Beat:Particles Planet
Summer endingFree Beat:Particles Planet
The sampling-0(Todd Malone remix)Free Beat:Particles Planet
WorldBeat Tape:I hope it will all come true.
胜利之歌Beat Tape:Life Universe生命宇宙
Pink cloudBeat Tape:I hope it will all come true.
Begin to bloomBeat Tape:Begin to bloom
Fast Life (Instrumental)FAST LIFE
IntroUnder The Consciousness
god's kowngod's kown
SexyBeat Tape:Sexy
總是學不會(重制版)Beat Tape:總是學不會(重制版)
Alessia Cara-Here(Todd Malone remix)Here