Trans-Europe Express / Metal On Metal / Abzug (3-D)3-D The Catalogue
RadioactivityDer Katalog / The Catalogue
Pocket CalculatorComputer World
Der Telefon Anruf (2009 Remaster)Techno Pop (2009 Remaster) [German Version]
Endless EndlessTrans-Europe Express
Franz SchubertTrans-Europe Express
Trans-Europe ExpressTrans-Europe Express
Showroom DummiesTrans-Europe Express
The Hall of MirrorsTrans-Europe Express
IntroDer Maschinenmensch
The ModelThe Man-Machine
SpacelabThe Man-Machine
Neon LightsThe Man-Machine
The Man-MachineThe Man-Machine
Europe EndlessTrans-Europe Express
Computer WorldComputer World
Computer LoveComputer World
ChronoTour de France Soundtracks
Home ComputerComputer World
Musique Non Stop (2009 Remaster)Techno Pop (2009 Remaster) [German Version]
Tour de France Étape 3 (Continued)Tour de France Soundtracks
Computer World, Pt. 2Computer World
TitaniumTour de France Soundtracks
Techno Pop (2009 Remaster)Techno Pop (2009 Remaster) [German Version]