Franz Gordon的歌曲列表
Room 622Time Twogether
Time TwogetherTime Twogether
AltostratusFlirting at the Masquerade
Shadowman's WaltzShadowman's Waltz
In a Bar in Buenos AiresIn a Bar in Buenos Aires
Keep Calm and Carry OnTime Twogether
Strollin With YouThe Cereal Dreamers: Jazzy Pudding
Memories of SardiniaNocturnal Daydream
Nocturnal DaydreamNocturnal Daydream
Jeremy and MaureenJeremy and Maureen
Peut-êtreShadowman's Waltz
The Art TeacherNocturnal Daydream
Ach!Flirting at the Masquerade
Lullaby for CharlieTogetherless
She Folded a Paper PlaneDiving with My Harpoon
The BeggarTime Twogether
Bagatelle En MineurJeremy and Maureen
Slow DaySlow Day
Shapes of ShadowsShapes of Shadows
One Legged WaltzingA Heart Made of Yarn
In a French Bar in StockholmIn a French Bar in Stockholm
The Tired SummerShapes of Shadows
Heavy Footed WalkNocturnal Daydream
Diving with My HarpoonDiving with My Harpoon