Lethal MerycismAsylum Cave
Asylum CaveAsylum Cave
HostileAsylum Cave
A Quiet DayAsylum Cave
Unborn Infected ChildrenAsylum Cave
PreyAsylum Cave
Banished (bonus track)Insane cephalic production
InsomniesInsane cephalic production
Insane cephalic productionInsane cephalic production
PhlebotomizedInsane cephalic production
DementiaInsane cephalic production
Self proclaimed godInsane cephalic production
Puerperal cannibalismInsane cephalic production
FoetusInsane cephalic production
Stay brutalInsane cephalic production
Bestial breedingInsane cephalic production
Suffer The CildrenIdentisick
Spiritual ManslaughterIdentisick
Blind to The WorldIdentisick
Ransack The SoulIdentisick
The TwinsIdentisick
Mourning AfflictionIdentisick
Sex AddictedIdentisick