Backstreet BrawlsSlaughter the Innocent
Turbo Queef TornadoSlaughter the Innocent
Human ScornSlaughter the Innocent
Slaughter the InnocentSlaughter the Innocent
Testicle ChopstickSlamageddon
Shrine of DisgustShrine of Disgust
Condemned to SufferCondemned to Suffer
How I Slapped Your MotherSlamageddon
Midget Face**** (Slampocalypsed)Slampocalypse
Fisted by T-RexSlampocalypse
Infant Incest InfestationSlampocalypse
Kick PregnantsSlampocalypse
Uterus UppercutSlampocalypse
Eat This FetusSlampocalypse
Deepthroat DecapitationSlampocalypse
Beg for DeathColder Thoughts
Midget Face****Slamageddon
Filius Mulieris MeretricisFilius Mulieris Meretricis
Highkick Abortion (Midget's Revenge)Slampocalypse
Progenies of the Great SlampocalypseSlampocalypse
Flatulence ViolenceSlampocalypse
Slaughter the InnocentSlaughter the Innocent