Judas Iscariot的歌曲列表
Benevolent Whore, Dethroned for EternityDethroned, Conquered and Forgotten
Journey Through Visions of WarDethroned, Conquered and Forgotten
March Upon a Mighty ThroneDethroned, Conquered and Forgotten
Conjuring Hell's FireMoonlight Butchery
Damned Below JudasThe Cold Earth Slept Below...
WrathThe Cold Earth Slept Below...
BabylonThe Cold Earth Slept Below...
I Awoke to a Night of Pain and CarnageTo Embrace the Corpses Bleeding
Bathed in Clouds of BloodTo Embrace the Corpses Bleeding
With Lust and Murder for Our DrinkTo Embrace the Corpses Bleeding
Behold the Lamb of God DescendingTo Embrace the Corpses Bleeding
Spectral Dance of the MacabreTo Embrace the Corpses Bleeding
The Dead Burst Forth from Their TombsTo Embrace the Corpses Bleeding
The Cold Earth Slept BelowThe Cold Earth Slept Below...
Midnight FrostThe Cold Earth Slept Below...
Ye Blessed CreaturesThe Cold Earth Slept Below...
ReignThe Cold Earth Slept Below...
FidelityThe Cold Earth Slept Below...
ArmageddonAn Ancient Starry Sky