Judas Iscariot的歌曲列表
Where Eagles Cry and Vultures LaughTo Embrace the Corpses Bleeding
Gaze Upon Heaven in FlamesHeaven in Flames
Moonlight ButcheryMoonlight Butchery
From His Woven Darkness AboveThy Dying Light
The Black Clouds Roll Under the Parapet of the SkyDistant in Solitary Night
But Eternals Beheld His Vast ForestsThy Dying Light
The Black Clouds Roll Under The Parapet Of The SkyUnder the Black Sun
Behold, Our Race Of Unstoppable GeniusThy Dying Light
Writhing Upon The Wind Of Mystic PhilosophyThy Dying Light
They Saw His Pale Visage Emerge From The DarknessThy Dying Light
Arise, My Lord Of Infernal WisdomThy Dying Light
The Dying Light And Desolate DarknessThy Dying Light
His Eternal Life, Like A Dream Was ObliteratedThy Dying Light
Helpless It Lay, Like A Worm In His Frozen TrackThy Dying Light
An Eternal Kingdom of FireHeaven in Flames
An Eternal Kingdom of FireKult Black
Terror from the Eastern SkyTo Embrace the Corpses Bleeding
In the Valley of Death, I AM Their KingTo Embrace the Corpses Bleeding
NietzscheThe Cold Earth Slept Below...
Death's HammerMoonlight Butchery
Benevolence CrucifiedMoonlight Butchery
Spill the Blood of the ZombieDethroned, Conquered and Forgotten
Eternal Bliss...Eternal DeathHeaven in Flames