3rd Nocturnal PrayerDark Metal
Von Bittersussem SuizidProfane Fetmilch Lenzt Elf
Veiled IrreligionDark Metal
You Must Play with YourselfReflektionen aufs Sterben
Verheißung-Du Krone des TodeskultesDictius Te Necare
Schuld Unsres Knöchrigen FaltpferdsDictius Te Necare
AllegoriaMein Weg
Funeral OwlbloodDark Metal
The Eleventh CommandmentDark Metal
AalmutterMein Weg
Gar Albern Es Uns TotgebarProfane Fetmilch Lenzt Elf
Verschleierte IrreligiositätDictius Te Necare
KnochenkornMein Weg
FurzesDictius Te Necare
Tagebuch Einer TotgeburtDictius Te Necare
Wo Adlers WagenDictius Te Necare
Höchst alberner WichsHexakosioihexekontahexaphobia
Death Is Soft Stool...A Sacrifical Offering to the Kingdom of Heaven in a Cracked Dog's Ear
Reflections on dyingA Sacrifical Offering to the Kingdom of Heaven in a Cracked Dog's Ear
VargtimmenA Sacrifical Offering to the Kingdom of Heaven in a Cracked Dog's Ear
Lingering Fart (A Fart Standing Still)A Sacrifical Offering to the Kingdom of Heaven in a Cracked Dog's Ear
NexusA Sacrifical Offering to the Kingdom of Heaven in a Cracked Dog's Ear
Through Stained Touch of My NemesisA Sacrifical Offering to the Kingdom of Heaven in a Cracked Dog's Ear
Dead White MartenA Sacrifical Offering to the Kingdom of Heaven in a Cracked Dog's Ear