Flesh, Bones And BloodConjuring The Dead
Pactum In AeternumConjuring The Dead
Lucifer, Take Her!Conjuring The Dead
The EyesConjuring The Dead
Walpurgis RitesWalpurgis Rites - Hexenwahn
In Blood - Devour This SanctityBlood Magick Necromance
Rise To Fall And Fall To RiseBlood Magick Necromance
Blood Magick NecromanceBlood Magick Necromance
The Rapture of CremationThe Last Supper
Drowned in ExcrementsThe Last Supper
The Devil's SonTotenritual
Spell Of ReflectionTotenritual
Swinefever - Regent Of PigsTotenritual
Embracing A StarTotenritual
Apophis - Black DragonTotenritual
Bondage Goat ZombieBondage Goat Zombie
Shred For SathanBondage Goat Zombie
Veneratio Diaboli - I Am SinWalpurgis Rites - Hexenwahn
Hail The New FleshWalpurgis Rites - Hexenwahn
Reichswehr In BloodWalpurgis Rites - Hexenwahn
The Crosses Made Of BoneWalpurgis Rites - Hexenwahn
Der GeistertreiberWalpurgis Rites - Hexenwahn
Enthralled Toxic SabbathWalpurgis Rites - Hexenwahn