Langsam Verhallte des Lebens SchmerzOrkblut: The Retaliation
Reborn Through the Gates of Three MoonsNachthymnen (From the Twilight Kingdom)
As Astral Images Darken RealityNachthymnen (From the Twilight Kingdom)
Mirages for the Eyes of the BlindOpus IV
I Face the Eternal WinterNachthymnen (From the Twilight Kingdom)
Revealed Secrets of the Whispering MoonNachthymnen (From the Twilight Kingdom)
The Elder God (My Dragon Magic)Opus IV
A Frozen Soul in a WintershadowNachthymnen (From the Twilight Kingdom)
Dimensions of Thy Unforgotten Sins, Pt. 2Opus IV
Spektrale SchattenlichterOpus IV
Dimensions of Thy Unforgotten Sins, Pt. 1Opus IV
Supreme Immortal ArtSupreme Instrumental Art
Unleashed axe-ageNachthymnen/Orkblut
The rising of our tribeNachthymnen/orkblut
Unleashed axe-ageNachthymnen/orkblut
Reborn through the gates of three moonsNachthymnen/orkblut
As astral images darken realityNachthymnen/orkblut
Revealed secrets of the whispering moonNachthymnen/orkblut