Dionysian RiteInstinctus Bestialis
PrayerQuantos Possunt Ad Satanitatem Trahunt
Heavens FallAntichrist
Bergtrollets HevnAntichrist
Possessed by SatanAntichrist
Forces of Satan StormsTwilight of the Idols (In Conspiricy With Satan)
Blod Og MinneThe Metal Museum Vol. 14: Black Metal
Revelation of DoomUnder the Sign of Hell
Open The GatesDestroyer
På slagmark langt mot nord (On Battlefields Far North) Destroyer, or About How to Philosophize with the Hammer
Profetens ÅpenbaringUnder The Sign Of Hell 2011
AneuthanasiaQuantos Possunt Ad Satanitatem Trahunt
Human SacrificeQuantos Possunt Ad Satanitatem Trahunt
Wound Upon WoundAd Majorem Sathanas Gloriam
Teeth GrindingTwilight of the Idols (In Conspiricy With Satan)
The Rite of Infernal InvocationUnder The Sign Of Hell 2011
Of Ice and MovementTwilight of the Idols (In Conspiricy With Satan)
Blod Og MinneTwilight of the Idols (In Conspiricy With Satan)
Procreating SatanTwilight of the Idols (In Conspiricy With Satan)
Proclaiming Mercy-Damaging Instinct of ManTwilight of the Idols (In Conspiricy With Satan)
Exit-Through Carved StonesTwilight of the Idols (In Conspiricy With Satan)