Legions Of The UnenlightenedVulvocrania: Societal Lobotomisation
Guillotine NecktieVulvocrania: Societal Lobotomisation
The Shadowy Descent of GaiaThe Shadowy Descent of Gaia
FamineMob Justice
Banquet of Enigmatic Horrors Pt1: TerrorBanquet of Enigmatic Horrors Pt 1: Terror
Beyond Deviation 400 (400 Vocalist World Record Track)Beyond Deviation 400 (400 Vocalist World Record Track)
Bestial InseminationPsychosadistic Design
Triple O.G. Slamdown (feat. Luke Griffin, Acrania, Jason Evans & Ingested)Psychosadistic Design
Forced Fecal IngestionPsychosadistic Design
Drowned in VomitPsychosadistic Design
New World OrderFinis Omnium Ignorantiam
Flesh TailorPsychosadistic Design
King Emesis (feat. Alex Terrible & Slaughter to Prevail)Psychosadistic Design
Castration Mutilation (feat. Som Pluijmers & Cerebral Bore)Psychosadistic Design
Grotesque Schizophrenia (feat. Martin Funderud & Kraanium)Psychosadistic Design
Lord of PlaguesPsychosadistic Design
Depraved Paraphilia (feat. Adam Warren, Oceano & ClawHammer)Psychosadistic Design
Mob JusticeMob Justice
Blood DiamondMob Justice
The DisconnectThe Disconnect
The DisconnectVulvocrania: Societal Lobotomisation
Psychosadistic DesignPsychosadistic Design