HellholeThe Punk Singles 1981-84
Self DestructThe Punk Singles 1981-84
Knife EdgeThe Punk Singles 1981-84
FreakThe Punk Singles 1981-84
Catch 23The Punk Singles 1981-84
Children of DustThe Punk Singles 1981-84
Slit Your Own ThroatThe Punk Singles 1981-84
State ExecutionerThe Punk Singles 1981-84
Big WomenThe Punk Singles 1981-84
NecrophilliaThe Punk Singles 1981-84
I Want To BelieveHa Ha
Sado MethodistHa Ha
The UnexpectedHa Ha
The Power Of OneHa Ha
Dustbin Rock 'N' RollHa Ha
BelgradeHa Ha
Superhighway RobberyHa Ha
Flyin' HighHa Ha
Song For CathyHa Ha
Discover The TreatmentHa Ha
Crush 'EmHa Ha
ChoiceHa Ha
Zeal Of A ConvertHa Ha
City Baby Attacked By RatsPunk And Disorderly - Deluxe Edition