Hossein Alizâdeh的歌曲列表
HobâbUnder the Cutting Blade (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
AzâUnder the Cutting Blade (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
EmâmzâdeUnder the Cutting Blade (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Bâ Pir IIUnder the Cutting Blade (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Ârezu IUnder the Cutting Blade (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Dar Shahr IUnder the Cutting Blade (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Ruh–ol ArvâhUnder the Cutting Blade (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Entezâr IIUnder the Cutting Blade (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
AnduhUnder the Cutting Blade (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
JâmedarânUnder the Cutting Blade (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Bâ Pir IIIUnder the Cutting Blade (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Entezâr IIIUnder the Cutting Blade (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
MasnaviUnder the Cutting Blade (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Lamentation & Banquet (From "A Time for Drunkenness of Horses")Film Music
Beautiful Is the Lover (From "Cloud & Sun")Film Music
Dynasties (From "Iran Is My Home")Film Music
Betrothal (From "A Time for Drunkenness of Horses")Film Music
Ârezu IIUnder the Cutting Blade (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
BidâdUnder the Cutting Blade (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
Tale ITurtles Can Fly
TimeTurtles Can Fly
Cradle ITurtles Can Fly
Agrin (Fire)Turtles Can Fly
HorizonTurtles Can Fly