13.Messiah HWV56 (1992 Digital Remaster), PART 1: For unto us a child is born (chorus: Andante allegro)
18.Messiah HWV56 (1992 Digital Remaster), PART 1: Then shall the eyes of the blind (alto recitative)
24.Messiah HWV56 (1992 Digital Remaster), PART 2: And with his stripes (chorus: Alla breve, moderato)
25.Messiah HWV56 (1992 Digital Remaster), PART 2: All we like sheep (chorus: Allegro moderato - Adagio)
26.Messiah HWV56 (1992 Digital Remaster), PART 2: All they that see him (tenor accompagnato: Larghetto)
37.Messiah HWV56 (1992 Digital Remaster), PART 2: How beautiful are the feet (soprano air: Larghetto)