Hamlet (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)

2.In Pace
3.To Thine Own Self Be True
4.All That Lives Must Die
5.What a Piece of Work Is a Man
6.I Loved You Once
7.Out Out Thou Strumpet Fortune
8.And Will 'A Not Come Again?
9.If Once a Widow
10.To Be or Not to Be
11.Give Me up the Truth
12.Sweets to the Sweet-Farewell
13.Alas Poor Yorick
14.My Thoughts Be Bloody
15.Go Bid the Soldiers Shoot
16.Goodnight, Sweet Prince
17.What Players Are They
18.Now Could I Drink Hot Blood
19.Oh, What a Noble Mind
20.A Foolish Prating Nave
21.Oh Heavy Deed
22.Oh Here They Come
23.The Doors Are Broke
24.The Ghost
25.Part Them They Are Incensed
26.Give Me Your Pardon Sir