Passionate Pavans & Galliards: Music by John Dowland

1.Flow my tears, fall from your springs
2.Clear or cloudy sweet as Aprill showring
3.My Lord Willoughby's Welcome Home
4.Pavana Lachrimae (A Pilgrimes Solace)
5.Tell me, true love (A Pilgrimes Solace)
6.Works, a Fancy
7.If my complaints could passions move
8.Thomas Morley - Can she excuse
9.Time stands still
11.Sorrow, stay, lend true repentant tears
12.The lowest trees have tops
13.In darkness let me dwell (A Pilgrimes Solace)
14.My thoughts are winged with hopes
15.Now, O now I needs must part
16.Come again sweet love doth now invite