窃听风云三部曲 电影原声大碟

1.Biker On Fire
2.Close Combat
3.Bomb Decoy
4.Mid-Levels Pursuit
5.Room 902
6.A Series Of Vengeance
7.An Outdated Accessory
8.All Come To An End
9.Last Standing
11.Deluxe Preparation
13.Mission Aborted
14.A Secret To Keep
15.Who Cares About Me?
16.Testing Testing
17.Goodbye, My Son
18.I Have My Own Car
19.Lights Out
20.Alain Delon
21.The Landlord's Club
22.No Pure Luck
23.The Hidden Connection
24.A Wrong Lead
25.The Truth
26.Colonial History
27.Change Of Policy
28.Fireworks Of Blood
29.Selling A Dream
30.Brothers Under One Umbrella
31.Garage Control Centre
32.A New Life
33.New Glasses
34.Rebel Village
35.In The Overheard System
36.A Window's Belief
37.Cigar Club Conspiracy
38.A Lonely Flute
39.A Brother's Betrayal
40.Turbulence Under Quiet Waters
41.You Are No Match
42.A Window's Sorrow
43.A Window's Romance
44.The Silent Majority Fight Back
45.The Fall Of A Legend
46.Blind Rage
48.Gained The World, But Lost My Soul
49.A Greener Future