Jacob Druckman: Lamia

1.Suite from Médée: I. Ouverture
2.Suite from Médée: V. Passepied & Choeur
3.Suite from Médée: II. Prélude
4.Lamia: III. Folk conjuration against death or other absence of the soul
5.Delizie Contente che l'Alme Beate
6.Lamia: I. Folk conjuration to make one courageous
7.Suite from Médée: III. Rondeau pour les Corinthiens
8.Nor Spell Nor Charm
9.Suite from Médée: IV. Loure
10.Lamia: IV. Stanza degli Incanti de Medea; Tristan und Isolde; Periapt against theeves
11.Lamia: II. Metamorphoses; Folk conjuration to dream of one's future husband
12.That Quickening Pulse