6.Un ballo in maschera (Sung in English):Act I Scene 1: Please reflect upon your duty (Anckarstroem)
13.Un ballo in maschera (Sung in English):Act I Scene 2: Allow me to enter (Cristian, Ulrike, Gustavus)
28.Un ballo in maschera (Sung in English):Act II: The sweetest words I ever heard (Gustavus, Amelia)
38.Un ballo in maschera (Sung in English):Act III Scene 1: We are gathered. Now hear me (Anckarstroem)
39.Un ballo in maschera (Sung in English):Act III Scene 1: I'm with you (Anckarstroem, Ribbing, Horn)
45.Un ballo in maschera (Sung in English):Act III Scene 2: Perhaps she is safely home now (Gustavus)