Volume 55 Epic Hip-Hop

1.Man At Arms
2.Hunters Prelude
3.Man At Arms (Non Choir)
4.The New York Nightfall
5.The Soldiers Promenade
6.Charmands Empire
7.Qiu Mansion
8.Vengeance (Non Choir)
9.Nox Trigger
10.Megiddo Avenue
12.Journey of Honour (Non Choir)
14.Qiu Mansion (Non Choir)
15.The 7th Clandestine
16.Journey of Honour
17.Two Action
18.Urban Pursuit
19.Eta Carinae Hybrid
20.Two Action (Non Choir)
21.Nox Trigger (Non Choir)
22.Hunters Prelude (Non Choir)
23.Charmands Empire (Non Choir)
24.Blazing Torches
25.The 7th Clandestine (Non Choir)
26.Eta Carinae Hybrid (Non Choir)
27.Blazing Torches (Non Choir)
28.The Soldiers Promenade (Non Choir)