VAUGHAN WILLIAMS, R.: Sacred Choral Music (Clare College Choir, Cambridge, T. Brown)

1.3 Choral Hymns:No. 2. Christmas Hymn
2.3 Choral Hymns:No. 3. Whitsunday Hymn
3.Nothing is Here for Tears
4.A Vision of Aeroplanes
5.The Souls of the Righteous
6.A Choral Flourish
7.The Voice out of the Whirlwind
8.Valiant for Truth
9.Mass in G Minor:Kyrie
10.Mass in G Minor:Gloria
11.Mass in G Minor:Sanctus - Benedictus
12.Mass in G Minor:Credo
13.Mass in G Minor:Agnus Dei
14.3 Choral Hymns:No. 1. Easter Hymn