Film Music One

1.The Secret World of Birds 1
2.Three Kinds of Love (Bridge 1)
3.Foreboding (Dancing on Ice)
4.The Secret World of Birds 2
5.The Secret World of Birds 3
6.Ride in Blue (Dancing on Ice)
7.The Secret World of Birds 4
8.Christmas Eve 1
9.The Secret World of Birds 5
10.The Secret World of Birds 7
11.The Secret World of Birds 8
12.Quiet (Dancing on Ice)
13.Road Blocks (Title Music)
14.Road Blocks (Night Music and Bridge)
15.Estin Oun Tragodia
16.Christmas Eve 2
17.The Secret World of Birds 6
18.Christmas Eve 3
19.The Secret World of Birds 9
20.Alone (Dancing on Ice)
21.Three Kinds of Love (Bridge 2)
22.Contemplation (Dancing on Ice)
23.The Secret World of Birds 10
24.Christmas Eve 4