The Sound of Shakespeare

1.Nuttmigs and Ginger
2.Mother Watkins Ale
3.Barrow Faustus Dreame
5.Paggington's Pound
6.Bony Sweet Boy
7.Willsons Wilde
8.Care Charminge Sleepe
9.Short Allmain
10.Away Delights
11.Robin is to the Greenwood Gone
12.Passamezzo Moderno
13.Green Garters
14.Fortune My Foe
15.Chi passa per 'sta strada
16.Bonny Sweet Robin
17.Guillims Dumpe
18.O Deathe, Rock Me a Sleepe
19.Browning My Dere
21.My Lord Willoughbies Welcome Home
22.What if a Day
23.Green Sleeves
25.Joyne Hands
26.Philips Paven
27.Galliard to Philips Pavin
28.A lieta vita (Sing and we chant it)
29.A griefe, Even on the Bud
30.Our Bonny Boots Could Toote It
31.Pavan (lute solo)
32.Galliard (lute solo)
33.Sola Soletta
34.In Nomine Pavan
35.Galliard To In Nomine
36.Sleepe Slumb'ring Eyes
37.Thyrsis and Milla
38.Monsieurs Almaine
39.The Sacred End Pavin
40.Galliard to Sacred End
43.A Painted Tale
44.Faire In a Morne
45.Sayd I That Amarillis
46.Now is The Gentle Season
47.Harke Alleluia
48.Hard By a Cristall Fountaine
49.Now is The Moneth Of Maying
50.O Mistresse Mine (voice/lute/pandora)
51.O Mistresse mine (consort)
52.My Lord Of Oxenfords Maske
53.The First Booke of Songes: IX. Go Crystall Teares
54.The First Booke of Songes: XIX. Awake, Sweet Love
55.The First Booke of Songes: XVIII. His Golden Locks time hath to silver turn'd
56.The First Booke of Songes: VI. Now, O Now
57.The Second Booke of Songes: XVII. A Shepherd in a Shade is Plaining Made
58.The Third Booke of Songs: IX. What if I Never Speede
59.Ye Sacred Muses
60.Lulla, lullaby
61.Who Made Thee, Hob, Forsake The Plough ?
62.Come Wofull Orpheus
63.Though Amarillis Daunce in Greene
64.Where The Bee Sucks
66.Hark, Hark! The Lark
68.Come, Heavy Sleep
70.Full Fathom Five
71.Alman I
72.Have You Seen The White Lily Grow?
73.Alman III
74.Tell Me, Dearest