The Ceremony of the Shepherds and Midnight Mass

1.The Ceremony of the Shepherds
2.Introit: Dominus dixit
3.Kyrie Rex genitor
4.Gloria quem cives celestes
5.Collect for Midnight Mass
6.Prophecy: Isaiah IX, 2, 6-7
7.Gradual: Tecum principium
8.Epistle: Titus II, 11-15
9.Alleluia: Dominus dixit
10.Sequence: Nato canunt omnia
11.Gospel: Luke II, 1-14
13.Offertory: Letentur celi
14.Preface for Christmas
15.Sanctus: Ante secula
16.Pater noster
17.Archiepiscopal Blessing
18.Agnus Dei fons indeficiens
19.Communion: In splendoribus, ite missa est
20.Lauds: First Antiphon
21.Benedicamus trope
22.Antiphon: Ecce completa sunt