The Golden Age of Light Music: Highdays and Holidays

1.The Playful Pelican
2.Buddha's Festival of Love
3.Wedgewood Blue
4.Neapolitan Serenade
5.In a Chinese Temple Garden
6.Wedding March in Midget Land
7.Sparrows' (Concert-Intermezzo)
8.April Day
9.Busy Business
10.The Ballet Dancer
11.Tequila, Paso Doble
12.Wild Goose Chase
13.Cutty Sark
14.Serenade to a Mannequin
15.Highdays and Holidays
16.Salute to Speedway
17.Jack and Jill (Miniature Overture)
18.Palace of Variety
19.Sportsman's Luck
20.Sabre Jet
21.Flight of the Toy Balloon
22.Travel Centre
23.Typical Teenager
24.Harlequin's Flirtation
25.Sleepy Grasshopper
26.Sketch of a Dandy
27.Big Dipper