Diary of a Wimpy Kid

1.Late for School
2.Diary of a Wimpy Kid
3.Intellectual Wasteland
4.One for the Team
5.The The Breakup
6.Booger Chase
7.Most Talented / Being a Tree
8.Apple Fight
9.The The Opposite of Fun
10.Tootsie Roll / June Cheese
11.Fight Fight Fight
12.I Ate the Cheese
13.Cutest Friends
14.Rowley Makeover
15.The The Cheese Touch
16.That Chicken's Mine
17.Meet Rowley
18.Literally Kill You
19.A A Better Idea / Class Favorites
20.Sweeping Cheese / Fatty Patty / Big Wheel
21.10 Pounds / Wrestling Patty / Great Day for Women
22.Halloween Path of Glory
23.Devil Worshipper Woods
24.Into the Woods
25.Halloween Chase
26.A A Game Called Freeze
27.November Cheese
28.Big Wheel Accident / Sympathy Sheet
29.Mono, That's Too Bad
30.Zoo Wee Mama / More Sophistocated
31.Space Monster Attack
32.Do It Yourself
33.The The Suspension
34.The The Winner is...