An Elizabethan Songbook - Elatus

1.Campion : "Sing a song of joy"
2.Johnson : "Eliza is the fairest Queen"
3.Holborne : The Honeysuckle
4.Ford : "What then is love sings Coridon"
5.Rosseter : "What then is love but mourning"
6.Daniel : "What thing is love?"
7.Dowland : Shall I Strive
8.Pilkington : "I sigh, as sure to wear the fruit"
9.Dowland / Arr Wigthorp : "Sorrow, come!"
10.Holborne : Heigh-Ho Holiday
11.Dowland : "Shall I sue"
12.Campion : "Breake now my heart and dye"
13.Campion : "Woo her and win her"
14.Campion : "The peaceful western wind"
15.Jones : "Sweet Philomel"
16.Campion : "I care not for these Ladies"
17.Campion / Arr Cohen : I Care Not for These Ladies
18.Bartlett : "A pretty duck, there was"
19.Johnson : Witty Wanton
20.Campion : "Faine would I wed"
21.Vautor : "Mother, I will have a husband"
22.Campion : "Now hath Flora robb'd her bow'rs"
23.Campion / Arr Rosseter : Move Now with Measured Sound
24.Campion : "Rest, sweet nymphs"
25.Morley : "Sing we and chant it"