FINNISSY, M.: History of Photography in Sound (The) (Pace)

1.The History of Photography in Sound:I. Le demon de l'analogie
2.The History of Photography in Sound:II. Le reveil de l'intraitable realite
3.The History of Photography in Sound:III. North American Spirituals
4.The History of Photography in Sound:IV. My parents' generation thought War meant something
5.The History of Photography in Sound:V. Alkan - Paganini
6.The History of Photography in Sound:VI. Seventeen Immortal ********** Poets
7.The History of Photography in Sound:VII. Eadweard Muybridge - Edvard Munch
8.The History of Photography in Sound:VIII. Kapitalistisch Realisme (met Sizilianische Mannerakte en Bachsche Nachdichtungen)
9.The History of Photography in Sound:IX. Wachtend op de volgende uitbarsting van repressie en censuur
10.The History of Photography in Sound:X. Unsere Afrikareise
11.The History of Photography in Sound:XI. Etched bright with sunlight