Paris sous les eaux: La grande crue (Bande Originale du Documentaire)

1.Suspens the Latest News
2.Subway in Action
3.Open Credit
4.Action Boat to Measure the Water Level
5.The Landscape Under the Water
6.Boat Rescue 1
7.The Seine in Flood
8.Rising Water
9.Police Surveillance
10.Submerged Fields
11.Checking the Pumps
12.The News Paper
13.The Maximum Level Warning
14.A Crisis Organization
15.Constructions of Dams
16.Prevention Among Populations
17.The Crisis Staff
19.Newspapers Dramatize the Situation
20.Congested Trains
21.Networks at Risk of a Major Breakdown
22.The Rise of The Seine
23.Monotoring the Bridges
24.Accumulation of Debris
25.No More Drinking Water
26.Evacuation of the Inhabitants
27.Flooded Areas Increase
28.Waterproofing of Vents
29.Assembly of Dams
30.Water Continues to Rise
31.Boat Rescue 2
32.The Flooded National Assembly
33.France Stops Breathing
34.The Musee d'Orsay Takes Schelter
35.The French National Libray Is Safe
36.The Decline of Water
37.Waste Disposal
38.A Slow Reconstruction Began 1
39.A Slow Recontruction Began 2
40.Cleaning the Streets
41.Next Time Maybe Worse
42.End Credits