The Golden Age of Light Music: Light Music While You Work - Vol. 2

1.Sleeping Beauty Waltz
2.Calling All Workers (excerpt)
3.Lehar in the Ballroom
4.The Dancing Years' (Selection from show)
5.Toy Trumpet
6.Castles in Spain
7.Pierrot comes to Town
9.The Floral Dance
10.Die Fledermaus: Waltz
11.Girl Crazy (Selection)
12.Marche Lorraine
13.Scarlet and gold
14.Moment Musical
15.One Exciting Night (Selection from film)
16.Butterflies in the Rain
18.Softly Unawares
19.Journey to a Star, no Love no Nothing
21.With Sword and Lance
22.Emperor Waltz
23.Turkey in the Straw
24.Lady in the Dark (Selection from show also film)
25.Calling all workers (excerpt)
26.Bal Masque (from Two Parisian Sketches)