Pěvecké sdružení pražských učitelů

1.O domine Jesu Christe
2.Ave verum corpus
3.Agnus Dei
4.Ecce quomodo moritur justus
5.Cantate domino
6.Sepulto Domino
7.O lux Beata trinitas
8.Untitled, Cycle of Male Choruses to Texts by Vladimír Holan: I. You Just Want Shape
9.Untitled, Cycle of Male Choruses to Texts by Vladimír Holan: II. Recognition
10.Untitled, Cycle of Male Choruses to Texts by Vladimír Holan: III. Unlovingly
11.Untitled, Cycle of Male Choruses to Texts by Vladimír Holan: IV. Subidas
12.Untitled, Cycle of Male Choruses to Texts by Vladimír Holan: V. Real Life
13.Untitled, Cycle of Male Choruses to Texts by Vladimír Holan: VI. Shape
15.Brigand Songs, H. 361: I. The Valachs
16.Brigand Songs, H. 361: II. Village Feast
17.Brigand Songs, H. 361: III. Putting Up
18.Brigand Songs, H. 361: IV. Jánošek´s Riding
19.Brigand Songs, H. 361: V. In the Green Pine Wood