Great Singers - Kathleen Ferrier, Vol. 4, Recordings 1949-1951

1.O waly, waly
2.Willow, Willow
3.The stuttering lovers
4.My Bonny Lad
5.Blow the Southerly
6.I Have a Bonnet Trimmed with Blue
7.I Know Where I'm Going
8.The Fidgety Bairn
9.I Will Walk With My Love
10.My Boy Willie
11.Have You Seen But the Whyte Lillie Grow
12.Ye Banks and Braes
13.Down By the Salley Gardens
14.The Lover's Curse
15.Drink to Me Only
16.Come You Not from Newcastle
17.Kitty My Love
18.Now Sleep the Crimson Petal
19.The Fair House of Joy
20.To Daisies
21.Over the Mountain
22.Silent Moon
24.Pretty Ring Time
25.The Fairy Lough
26.The Fairy Lough
27.A Soft Day
28.Go Not Happy Day