1.Missa IX cum iúbilo:Gloria (Mode VII)
2.Benedicta et venerábilis:Responsory (Mode V)
3.Feast of the Immaculate Conception:Gradual. Benedicta es tu
4.Feast of the Immaculate Conception:Introit. Gáudens gaudébo
5.Feast of the Immaculate Conception:Antiphon. Salve Regina (Simple)
6.Feast of the Immaculate Conception:Antiphon. Salve Regina (Solemn)
7.Feast of the Nativity of Mary:Hymn. O gloriósa Dómina
8.Feast of the Nativity of Mary:Brief Response. Ave Maria
9.Feast of the Nativity of Mary:Antiphon. Alma Redémptoris Mater (Simple)
10.Feast of the Nativity of Mary:Antiphon. Alma Redémptoris Mater (Solemn)
11.Feast of the Annunciation:Offertory. Ave Maria
12.Feast of the Annunciation:Hymn. Ave maris stella
13.Feast of the Annunciation:Antiphon. Regina cæli (Simple)
14.Feast of the Annunciation:Antiphon. Regina cæli (Solemn)
15.Feast of the Visitation:Gradual. Benedicta es tu
16.Feast of the Visitation:Responsory. Felix es
17.Feast of the Visitation:Alleluia. Repléta est
18.Feast of the Visitation:Antiphon. Ave Regina (Simple)
19.Feast of the Visitation:Antiphon. Ave Regina (Solemn)
20.Feast of the Assumption:Introit. Signum magnum
21.Feast of the Assumption:Hymn. O Prima, Virgo, prodita
22.Feast of the Assumption:Alleluia. Assúmpta est Maria
23.Feast of the Assumption:Magnificat. Beáta es
24.Feast of the Assumption:Sequence. Stabat Mater dolórosa