Minecraft: Greek Mythology (Original Soundtrack)

1.Demeter - God of Farming (Overworld)
2.Lelantos - God of Moving Unseen (Battle)
3.Artemis - Goddess of the Wilderness (Nether)
4.Hades & Persephone - Gods of the Underworld (Nether)
5.Apollo - God of Music and the Lyre (Overworld)
6.Zeus & Hera - King and Queen of the Gods (Overworld)
7.Seikilos' Epitaph
8.Ares - God of War (The End)
9.Poseidon - God of the Sea (Overworld)
10.Hermes - The Messenger God (Overworld)
11.Hephaestus - God of the Forge (Nether)
12.Homados - God of Battlenoise & Tumult (Battle)
13.Britomartis - Goddess of the Hunt (Battle)
14.Hestia - Goddess of the Hearth (Overworld)
15.Aphrodite - Goddess of Love (Overworld)