KREISLER, G.: Songs (arr. for male ensemble) (Die Singphoniker)

1.Tauben vergiften im Park (arr. B. Hofmann for male vocal ensemble and piano)
2.Warum? (arr. C. Schmidt for male vocal ensemble and piano)
3.Das Madchen mit den drei blauen Augen (arr. F.-X. Lechner for male vocal ensemble and piano)
4.Lied fur den Karntner Mannerchor (arr. P. Ehrich for male vocal ensemble and piano)
5.Ich hab koa Lust (arr. F.-X. Lechner for male vocal ensemble and piano)
6.Sie ist ein herrliches Weib! (arr. J. Westner for male vocal ensemble and piano)
7.Fruhlingsmarchen (arr. J.P. Faber for male vocal ensemble and piano)
8.Das Triangel (arr. C. Gerl for male vocal ensemble and piano)
9.Der Musikkritiker (arr. C. Georg for male vocal ensemble and piano)
10.Das Tigerfest (arr. C. Schmidt for male vocal ensemble and piano)
11.Der schone Heinrich (arr. B. Hofmann for male vocal ensemble and piano)
12.Please, shoot your husband (arr. P. Ehrich for male vocal ensemble and piano)
13.Mein Weib will mich verlassen (arr. B. Hofmann for male vocal ensemble and piano)
14.Bidla Buh (arr. P. Ehrich for male vocal ensemble and piano)
15.Der guade, oide Franz (arr. C. Schmidt for male vocal ensemble and piano)
16.Telefonbuchpolka (arr. B. Hofmann for male vocal ensemble and piano)