Matthew Locke: The Consort Of Fower Parts (Suites I To Vi)

1.Suite I In D Minor - Fantazie
2.Suite I In D Minor - Courante
3.Suite I In D Minor - Ayre
4.Suite I In D Minor - Saraband
5.Suite II In D Minor - Fantazie
6.Suite II In D Minor - Courante
7.Suite II In D Minor - Ayre
8.Suite II In D Minor - Saraband
9.Suite III In F Major - Fantazie
10.Suite III In F Major - Courante
11.Suite III In F Major - Ayre
12.Suite III In F Major - Saraband
13.Suite IV In F Major - Fantazie
14.Suite IV In F Major - Cournate
15.Suite IV In F Major - Ayre
16.Suite IV In F Major - Saraband
17.Suite V In G Minor - Fantazie
18.Suite V In G Minor - Cournate
19.Suite V In G Minor - Ayre
20.Suite V In G Minor - Saraband
21.Suite VI In G Major - Fantazie
22.Suite VI In G Major - Cournate
23.Suite VI In G Major - Ayre
24.Suite VI In G Major - Saraband