Schellack Schätze: Treasures on 78 RPM from Berlin, Europe and the World, Vol. 11 (2nd Revised Edition)
Walter ReischGus KahnJulius GrammerWalter Donaldson Johannes BrandtLou BandyEdrward LeslieGeo M. MeyerFritz RotterAl JolsonGerd KarlickCarl WaltherRudolphe PensoPracánicoFerryEvansMarcel LionPeter KringelMarek Weber TanzorchesterMaurice ChevalierDajos Béla Tango-OrchesterColonial Club OrchestraNoble Sissle and His OrchestraBernard Ette TanzorchesterJack Hylton Dance OrchestraThe RevellersEddie Saxon TanzorchesterEric Harden TanzorchesterLeo MonossonBob HaringNoble SisslePedro M. Maffia Tango-OrchestraThe Casa Lopez OrchestraPiano Duet Wiener & DoucetDajos Béla