Renaissance Music - BYRD, W. / WILSON, J. / JOHNSON, R. / DOWLAND, J. / HOLMES, M. / PLAYFORD, J. / RAVENSCROFT, T. (Shakespeare's Music) (Fallis)

1.My Lord of Oxenford's Mask
2.Robin is to the Greenwood gone
3.Bonny Sweet Boy
5.Take, O Take Those Lips Away
6.Where the bee sucks
7.Full fathom five
8.O Death Rock Me Asleep
9.Fortune my foe, P. 62
10.Robin is to the Greenwood Gone
11.A Booke of New Lessons for Cithern and Gittern: Light o' Love
12.O mistress mine
13.The Dutch Courtesan: Act I: The darke is my delight
14.Packington's Pound
15.There were 3 Ravens
16.Pavane d'espagne
17.Green Garters
18.Kemp's Jig
19.Come my Celia
20.Have you seen the bright lily grow?
21.Care-charming sleep
22.Der Satyrn Tanz (Dance of the Satyrs)
23.Come away, Hecate
24.The first Witches Dance
25.The Second Witches' Dance
26.Tarleton's Resurrection, P. 59
27.Now the lusty spring is seen
28.The Jew's Dance
29.The First Book of Ayres or Little Short Songs: It was a lover and his lasse:It was a lover and his lasse
30.Consort Lessons, Book 1:Lavolto
31.Consort Lessons, Book 1:La Coronto
32.Fortune My Foe [16th Century]
33.The Willow Song